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Wat heeft de auteur Todd Scudiere geschreven?


* Het geluid:een roman (2018)

* De dag van de dinosaurus:verhalen (2016)

* Onverharde wegen:een roman (2015)

* Toen water vuur zong (2013)

* Iedereen van wie je houdt zal branden:een roman (2011)

* De teller (2008)

Korte verhalen

* "Alles wat ooit is geschreven, kan worden vernietigd" in Conjuncties:68 (zomer/herfst 2019)

* "We Are All Ghosts Now" in Crazyhorse (herfst/winter 2018)

* "De rivier waar we verdrinken" in de beste Amerikaanse korte verhalen (oktober 2016)

* ‘Het geheime leven van een introverte persoon’ in The Best American Nonrequired Reading (augustus 2016)

* "This Is Us" in Black Warrior Review (herfst/winter 2015)

* "The Dead Can't Dance" in The Southern Review (oktober 2015)

* "Ons kleine koninkrijk" in The Best American Mystery Stories (augustus 2015)

* "Our Little Kingdom" in The Iowa Review (lente / zomer 2015)

* "The Lost Children of Millbrook" in Conjunctions:58 (zomer 2015)

* "The Man Who Lives Forever" in The Southern Humanities Review (lente/zomer 2015)

* "The Man Who Lives Forever" in The Pushcart Prize XL:Best of the Small Presses (oktober 2015)

* "When You Wake Up" in The Paris Review (voorjaar 2015)

* "De rivier waar we verdrinken" in Conjunctions:57 (januari 2015)

* "Iedereen van wie je houdt zal branden" in Guernica (september 2014)

* "Iedereen van wie je houdt zal branden" in Tin House (zomer 2014)

* "Good Bones" in Ploegscharen (zomer/herfst 2014)

* "Good Bones" in de bloemlezing Love and Other Crimes:Stories from the Underbelly of Romance (augustus 2014)

* "Good Bones" in The Pushcart Prize XXXIX:Best of the Small Presses (oktober 2014)

* "De dag van de dinosaurus" in The Georgia Review (voorjaar 2014)

* "The Day of the Dinosaur" in de bloemlezing The Best American Mystery Stories (augustus 2014)

* "De dag van de dinosaurus" in de bloemlezing The Pushcart Prize XXXIX:Best of the Small Presses (oktober 2014)

* "The Day of the Dinosaur" in de bloemlezing The Year's Best Dark Fantasy and Horror (december 2014)

* "De dag van de dinosaurus" in The Best American Short Stories (oktober 2015)

* "Al onze verhalen gaan over geesten" in The Southern Review (januari 2014)

* "The Teller" in Mississippi Review (voorjaar 2014)

* "The Teller" in de bloemlezing The Southern Hum:Stories of the South (februari 2014)

* "The Teller" in de bloemlezing The Best American Mystery Stories (augustus 2014)

* "The Teller" in de bloemlezing The Pushcart Prize XXXVIII:Best of the Small Presses (oktober 2013)

* "The Teller" in de bloemlezing The Year's Best Dark Fantasy and Horror (december 2013)

* "The Things That Last" in The Missouri Review (maart/april 2013)

* "The Things That Last" in de bloemlezing Best Microfictions 2014 (januari 2014)

* "The Things That Last" in de bloemlezing Micro Madness:100 Very Short Stories (maart 2014)

* "The Things That Last" in de bloemlezing Norton's Flash Fiction International 3 (april 2014)

* "The Things That Last" in de bloemlezing The Pushcart Prize XXXVIII:Best of the Small Presses (oktober 2013)

* "Waar de rivier sterft" in Shenandoah (lente 2013)

* "Where the River Dies" in de bloemlezing The Pushcart Prize XXXVII:Best of the Small Presses (oktober 2012)

* "De dingen die we haar hebben aangedaan" in The Gettysburg Review (winter / lente 2012)

* "The Things We Did to Her" in de bloemlezing The Best American Mystery Stories (augustus 2012)

* "The Things We Did to Her" in de bloemlezing The Pushcart Prize XXXVII:Best of the Small Presses (oktober 2012)

* "The Things We Did to Her" in de bloemlezing The Year's Best Dark Fantasy and Horror (december 2012)

* "The Lost Dog" in Shenandoah (herfst/winter 2011)

* "The Lost Dog" in The Pushcart Prize XXXVI:Best of the Small Presses (oktober 2011)

* "The Lost Dog" in de bloemlezing Best Microfictions 2012 (januari 2012)

* "Dead Girl" in The Southern Review (oktober 2010)

* "Dead Girl" in The Pushcart Prize XXXV:Best of the Small Presses (oktober 2010)

* "Dead Girl" in de bloemlezing The Year's Best Dark Fantasy and Horror (december 2010)

* "Dead Girl" in de bloemlezing Year's Best Weird Fiction:Vol. 1 (december 2011)

* "The Thing" in The Gettysburg Review (winter/lente 2009)

* "The Thing" in de bloemlezing The Pushcart Prize XXXIV:Best of the Small Presses (oktober 2009)

* "The Thing" in de bloemlezing Year's Best Weird Fiction:Vol. 2 (oktober 2011)

* "The Old Guy Who Lives Across the Street" in Mississippi Review (voorjaar 2009)

* "The Old Guy Who Lives Across the Street" in de bloemlezing New Stories from the South:The Year's Best (oktober 2009)

* "The Old Guy Who Lives Across the Street" in de bloemlezing The Pushcart Prize XXXIV:Best of the Small Presses (oktober 2009)

* "Dead Girls" in The Southern Review (januari 2009)

* "Dead Girls" in New Southern Voices:An Anthology of Fiction van de Fellowship of Southern Writers (augustus 2009)

* "The Old Guy Who Lives Across the Street" in de bloemlezing The Pushcart Prize XXXIV:Best of the Small Presses (oktober 2009)

* "Dead Girls" in de bloemlezing The Year's Best Weird Fiction (december 2010)

* "De oude man die aan de overkant van de straat woont" in The Best American Mystery Stories (december 2011)

* "Dead Girls" in de bloemlezing Year's Best Weird Fiction:Vol. 2 (oktober 2011)

* "Dead Girls" in de bloemlezing The Year's Best Dark Fantasy and Horror (december 2011)

* "De oude man die aan de overkant van de straat woont" in The Best American Mystery Stories (december 2011)

* "The Old Guy Who Lives Across the Street" in de bloemlezing Year's Best Weird Fiction:Vol. 3 (oktober 2012)

* "De rivier waar we verdrinken" in Conjunctions:57 (januari 2015)


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